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2010, Vol. 5 No. 1, Article 57


A Study on Homeopathic Treatment of
Teat Fibrosis in Bovines

K. A. Shah, Syed Anjum Andrabi and Syed Sumbul


Department of Animal Husbandry (Kashmir), Srinagar


*Corresponding Author; e-mail address: [email protected]



A study was conducted under field conditions on eighty one (81) cows of variable age and lactation that were suffering from varying degrees of teat fibrosis. Animals were randomly allotted to three groups, A (n=28), B (n=28) and C (n=25). A recovery rate of 46.45% and 75.0% was achieved following oral administration of Homeopathic medicines, Silicea 200C and Calcaria Flour 200 C for a period of 20 and 40 days in group A and group B respectively.


Silicea , Calcaria Flour, Teat fibrosis.


Teat fibrosis, a common sequel of mastitis develops so gradually that it may escape observation until most of the secretary tissues are destroyed. Fibrosis may be diffused, involving whole quarter or local varying in size from pea like lesion to bigger masses near the base or tip of the teat (Blood et al 2006). Fibrosed mastitic cows do not usually respond to conventional antibiotic therapy and the affected quarter is ultimately rendered non functional resulting in a considerable economic loss to cattle owners. The present study was therefore undertaken with an objective of evaluating the extent of efficacy of homeopathic treatment in chronic fibrosed mastitic cows.


The study was conducted under field conditions on eighty one cows of variable age and lactation. The cows were clinically examined and cows showing varying degrees of fibrosis either diffuse or in form of fibrotic nodules of varying size near the base of teat cistern or tip of the teat or as hard fibrous cord like structure palpated in the teat cistern were selected. All the animals were reportedly treated earlier with conventional allopathic therapy with no improvement. The animals were randomly allotted to three groups. In group A (n=28) 2ml of Calcaria Flour-200C in 100 ml of Luke warm water was administered orally thrice a day to each animal. Silicea -200C was also administered in same dose and route keeping a time gap of half an hour between two administrations. The treatment was carried out for 20 days. In group B (n=28) the same treatment regime was continued for 40 days while group C (n=25) did not receive any treatment and served as control. All the animals were examined daily for signs of recovery up to 60 days. The percent recovery was calculated on the basis of clinical improvement observed following the treatment.


A marked response to treatment was observed within a week. Flakes in certain cases started coming out of fibrosed teats on stripping and a complete recovery was achieved in 13 animals of group A and 21 animals of group B (Table 1). Animals of group C did not show any improvement during the course of trial. Relapsing of the signs was not noticed in any of the recovered cases up to next 30 days. The over all efficacy of the treatment was about 46.45% and 75.0% in group A and group B respectively


The maximum recovery rate of 75.0% observed during the present study was comparatively lower than the earlier reports of Upadyay and Sharma 1999 and Chandel et al. 2009 who achieved a success rate of 80.95% and 93.0 % respectively in treating fibrosed mastitic cows by subcutaneous administration of Calcaria flour and Silicea. Variation in the results may be attributed to the difference in the routes of administration adopted. Calcaria flour is known for its ability to eliminate fibrosis (Edwad, 2002). Silicea stimulates expulsion of foreign body from tissues in chronic low grade inflammatory lesions (Day, 1992) (Shah, 2003). Calcaria flour and Silicea was found highly effective in chronic cases of fibrosed mastitis by Upadhyay et al., 1995; Upadyay and Sharma, 1999 and Singh et al. 2006. In light of these reports and present observation it can be inferred that combination of homeopathic medicines, Silicea and Calcaria flour can be effectively used in the treatment of fibrosed mastitis in cows. Although the course of treatment is protracted yet it is safe and cost effective.


  1. Blood,D.C., Radostits,O.M. and Henderson,J.A. 2006,Veterinary Medicine. English Language Book Society, Bailliere ,Tindal 451-81

  2. Chandel, B.S., Dadawala, A.I., Chauhan, H.S , Parsani.,H.R. and Pankaj Kumar 2009. Efficacy of a Homeopathic Complex and Antibiotics in treatment of clinical mastitis in North Gujrat. Veterinary World .Vol 2(10) :383-84

  3. Day, C.E.I, 1992 . Alternative Medicine, In Bovine Medicine, First Edn. p. 889-96

  4. Edwad, H.R. (2002). Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine, B . Jain Publishers (P ) Ltd. New Delhi . P 26-41

  5. Shah, M. A (2003). Silicea and Foreign body, Homeo Medical Times Vol. 8: 59 Upadhyay,A.K 19:65-67and Sharma, S.P, 1999.Management of Bovine by Homeopathy. Indian Vet. Med. Jour.Vol 30:71-72

  6. Upadhyay, A.K., Rajora, V.S. Pachauri, S.P. and Gupta, G.C.1995 Evaluation of Homeopathic Drugs in Bovine Mastitis. Indian Vet. Med. Jour.Vol. 19:65-67


Table: 1 Recovery percentage following treatments of different duration



No. of animals recovered

Percent recovery












C (untreated control)









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